To demonstrate this in unfavourable conditions. Value for production, but without the opportunity The “primitive” animals were replaced by crosses with indeed a higher potential genetic Native animal breeds which were very well-adapted to the local environmental conditions were made extinct already in the Production” with its far-reaching consequences. These breeding policies or to other proposals for introducing the programme of “improvement of animal Poland, agriculture in all Eastern European countriesīelongs to the State or to co-operatives and is under central administration, Taking into consideration that, except for Insemination which was widespread in all these countries. This process proceeded fast with the assistance of artificial Under strong pressure from political and administrative authorities, Well-adapted to the very often harsh environmentalĬonditions and marked by very good health and longevity. Large-scale crossbreeding was started, using highly specialised, importedīreeds on the local populations of domestic animals which were The pretext of biological and technological progress, Production” and to introduce them arbitrarily without taking into account the ecological and climatic conditions, theĪppropriate level of technology, feedstuff resources, and so on. “standard technologies of industrial methods of animal Has been a tendency in all Eastern European countries to promote the so-called “all that is socialistic should be large” - leading to the creation Whereas in Western countries economic considerations contributed to the elimination of low-producingĪnimal populations, in Eastern European countries this process was exacerbated as a consequence of common

There are, however, still different reasons for the process whereby Preservation of the vanishing breeds of domestic animals as their professionalĬountries. Of Animal Genetic Resources (continue) PROGRAMMES FOR PRESERVATION OFĮastern European countries now pay the same attention to the problem of

The Expert Consultation on FAO Programmes for the Preservation